Functional Medicine is a science based, patient centered health care model that addresses how and why certain conditions and illnesses are occurring. This approach addresses the underlying root cause, opposed to only treating and covering up certain symptoms.
Treating Symptoms
Drugs and Surgery
One Size Fits All
Reactive and Reductionistic
Emphasizes Genetic Predispositions
Extremely Expensive and Financially Draining
Cause, Prevention, Performance
Lifestyle Changes, Cellular Healing, Detoxification
Customized and Personalized
Proactive and Holistic
Emphasizes Epigenetic Control
Saves Money Long-Term
Get clarity on what your individual body needs to truly heal from the conditions you are experiencing. Getting started is easy. Book your Consultation for only $50 with Dr. Madeline. We will go over a detailed health history and figure out which functional lab tests are best for you. You will then receive a customized treatment plan and support along your healing journey! Click the link below to book your first appointment.
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